Geococcyx 2022


Geococcyx Velox Blog 2022.

Saturday 12-3-2022.  Bleed all brakes, cooling system.

Sunday 13-2-2022.  Come-and-try Motorkhana. Took Crazy bike.    Geo with 18 psi fronts, 20 psi rears, 80 psi in reservoir.  Brakes not working properly, very little foot brakes, and occasional problems with turning brakes.  Throttle problem with it not picking up after braking, and occasionally stalling. It was very difficult to drive with the throttle problems, so retired the car. Noel came and adjusted the TPS, and changed the air mixture on the throttle bodies, and it seemed to run cleaner, then the ferrule on the throttle cable ran up the outside of the cable sheath.275849549_10159402787738751_227034372250037535_n

Tuesday 15-3-2022.  Made new 1mm diameter SS loop for warm up cable.  Tested it OK.  Then tested the throttle pedal, and snapped the end off the throttle cable.

Thursday 17-3-2022.  Bought Yamaha XT500 Throttle Cables from Team Moto Enoggera (Dual action) for $97.96    Measured and drew them. Fitted one, and all works perfectly.

Thursday 7-4-2022.  Put new plugs in, fiddled with wires at TPS, hit starter and it was running instantly.  Octopus grip on tyres, and wrapped them.

Friday 8-4-2022.  Bought 8 CR8E Spark plugs.

Sunday 10-4-2022.  HSCCQ Khanacross / Motorkhana, Willowbank.  Fine, warm.  80 psi in reservoir, 10 psi fronts, 18psi rears.  The throttle seemed to work perfectly around the pits when warming it up, but as soon as I went to full throttle in the first Khanacross test, the throttle then only decided to idle or full throttle.  Very difficult to drive.

I was first into the Khanacross, and was told when I returned that the timing gear did not work.  I then went and did 2 runs at Multiple Loop, 2 runs at Jellyfish, and in the second run at Try Angles the rear suspension collapsed on a severe bump.  Dragged the car back onto the trailer, and brought it home.

Photographed the damage which is :- both top M12 Rod Ends were snapped off, both outer CV joints torn apart, both rear wheels folded under their suspension arms, bending the lower rear arm on the LH side severely.  The left hand bottom Golf ball joint has lost one of its mounting nuts.  The left rear CV joint has lost most of its balls.  I put new M12 Rod ends onto the top mounts.IMG_2475 RH side

Tuesday 12-4-2022.  Found that the crossmember holding the mounts for the tie rod ends had broken away from its end plates, and was jacked up at an extreme angle.  Removed bottom ball joint, and two of the 3 bolts are damaged.  Took off bottom A arm, and got jig ready for remaking it. Put new electrical terminals on Fuel pump earth, and turning brake solenoids which had been torn off.   Made new lower left rear A arm using jig.

Easter Saturday 16-4-2022.  Fitted left rear lower A arm, lower ball joint, tie rod.  Assembled right rear hub and tie rod, adjusted tweaked brake fitting which was rubbing on inside of wheel.  Removed inner part of left outer CV joint.

Wednesday 27-4-2022.  Rang Mick Motors re outer CV Joints, and they have no record of my order for them.  Found some used ones in my gearbox spares pile.

Wednesday 4-5-2022.  Rang Mick Motors again, Ross said they have been ordered.  Put used CV into LH rear.

Sunday 8-5-2022.  HSCCQ Interclub Motorkhana, Willowbank.  Overcast, but fine.  Surface wet at first, then gradually dried out.  10 psi front Avons, 18 psi rear Avons, 80 psi in reservoir.  However by the middle of the day, the forward / reverse solenoids would not work. In the finish garage on the final test, the throttle jammed open, so had to hurriedly turn the engine off .  5th outright.

Thursday 19-5-2022.  Full set of rod end bearings from Premier Bearings.

Saturday 25-6-2022.  Fixed problem with throttle sticking :- the warm-up link was catching on the side of cylinder 3 intake rubber hose.

Thursday 30-6-2022.  Fitted left and right lower rear A arms, fitted push rods with new rod ends.

Wednesday 6-7-2022.  Did corner weights roughly, and toe in of rear wheels.

Friday 8-7-2022.  Geo will not start, blue light on ECU.  Checked website, and it indicates that the ECU needs to be booted through a laptop.

Saturday 9-7-2022.  Rang Gary Stewart, but got answering machine.

Sunday 10-7-2022.  Went to Motorkhana, got Noel to connect his laptop, but could not find problem.  Then took it to Gary who could not solve it either.  Left car with him.

Monday 11-7-2022.  Gary rang early evening to say that Geo starts, and runs well.

Wednesday 13-7-2022.  Gary rang to say that both batteries are buggered, and that Geo started perfectly and ran perfectly with one of his batteries fitted.

Thursday 14-7-2022.  Picked up Geo from Gary.  It started perfectly on his battery.  He changed the mapping to put more fuel into the intake manifold on over-run to try to solve stalling.

Friday 15-7-2022.  New Yuasa YTZ10SY High Cranking battery.

Sunday 17-7-2022.  Started Geo on new battery, ran it till up to temp.

Wednesday 9-8-2022.  Replaced all rose joints in front suspension.

Sunday 28-8-2022.  QMC at Queensland Raceway.  Fine, warm.  Avon fronts 8 psi, Hoosier SAE on rear 18 psi.  80 psi in reservoir.  ECU worked perfectly for tests 1 & 2, but then reverted to ignition switch mode for rest of the day.  Engine overheated for last 2 tests, so did not do them.  Coolant level very low, so topped it up.  Handling was good, with the tail sliding very well on the 15 year old Hoosiers.QMC22_018

Monday 29-8-2022.  Drained engine oil, and there was NO coolant in it.  Emptied around 500 ml from coolant overflow.  New sump plug gasket.

Tuesday 30-8-2022.   2 new Avon 7.2/20.0-13 Slicks, A53 compound, 14443S construction.  Sidecarshop, NL.  Filled engine with oil, took plugs out and they were extremely dirty with soot.  Wire brushed them, and reinstalled.  Topped up coolant, and started engine.  It ran OK, but with backfiring after getting warm.  Made access panel for coolant bleed screw.

Monday 5-9-2022.  Got new Avons fitted to 8” rims at Jax.

Thursday 8-9-2022.  I decided to go to hotter plugs because of the fouling, so bought 4 new CR7E spark plugs.

Wednesday 28-9-2022.  Removed CR8E plugs, turned engine over.  Blew out only fuel vapour – no water.  Put new CR7E plugs into engine.

Saturday 1-10-2022.  Australian Motorkhana Championship scrutineering.  Did not practice.

Sunday 2-10-2022.  AMC at Willowbank.  Rain until lunchtime, then gradually dried out.  Avon front slicks, Hoosier SAE on rear.  12 psi, 18 psi.  Very little rear grip, so decreased pressure in rears to 14 psi.  No difference.  Engine ran all day with CR7E plugs, with no wetting of plugs. I drove terribly, hitting lots of poles.  AMC22_355

Thursday 6-10-2022.  CR7E plugs out, slightly sooted.  Wire brushed them and replaced them in engine.  Panels cleaned and replaced.  Seat cleaned and replaced.

Sunday 16-10-2022.  Started engine first press, ran it till warm.

Thursday 24-11-2022.  Got alloy spacer plates from Action Aluminium.  Got SS Exhaust deflector from Rob Bliss.  Printed 3D gland for wall.

Wednesday 14-12-2022.  VW Golf Mk 1 outer CV Joints arrived from Mick Motors.

Sunday 18-12-2022.  Started engine with side wall exhaust.  Works well.